What's up rats!
This app's goal is to act as a social motivator for fitness and health. Team up with, or compete against, family and friends in a group challenge. It is important to track workouts and hold yourself accountable.
I've been surprised to find it works well to get me off the couch and I'm not totally alone in this vein. Since launch in March of 2019, ~100,000 rats have participated in ~50,000 challenges logging over 2 million workouts. Incredible! And still growing.
Co-workers, teammates, classmates, friends, and family members all use the app to keep each other accountable and motivate each other to workout more often. A little competition goes a long way. The app's feature set boasts unlimited number of members,
Apple Health app
integration, custom scoring methods, group chat, and more.
To keep in touch with the app's happenings you can
GymRats on Twitter, Instagram, or check out the news
There is a sole software engineer (me) working on the project. Speed of change is not super fast, but new features are being added and in the works. Being a self proclaimed gym rat, I have participated in over 80 challenges and I really enjoy both using and developing the app.
If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve the app, please feel free to
me. I appreciate App Store reviews, both praise and critique, so any feedback you have goes a long way.
Thank you.
Happy ratting,
Mack Hasz
CPO (Chief Protein Officer)